Facebook & Instagram Ad Tips That Will Drive Conversions

3 years ago 5 minute read
Facebook & Instagram Ad Tips That Will Drive Conversions

Facebook and Instagram are the two most popular social media platforms with 169 and 121 million users, respectively. Facebook is not just the largest social media platform in the world, but it’s also the most developed for both organic and paid marketing. But, since Instagram is connected to Facebook, it’s easy to manage both sites in one place. On average, Facebook advertising costs around $0.97 per click. On the other hand, cost per thousand impressions (or CPM) typically costs around $7.19 per 1000 impressions. Facebook and Instagram are affordable options that can greatly increase your business’ website traffic and revenue. As you can see, implementing a social media marketing plan can drive a lot of success. Keep reading for Facebook and Instagram Ad tips that will drive conversions.

Where Do You Start?

Before we dive into the Facebook and Instagram Ad tips we have to go through the setup. First, you’ll need both Facebook Business Suite and Facebook Ads Manager accounts. Once you have both of these accounts, you’ll be ready to share your ads to both Facebook and Instagram. The platform can be a bit confusing at first, so I recommend getting familiar with it before you start posting.

Install Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool that ensures your ads are being shown to the right people at the right time. It is completely free, and understanding your analytics can help you target the right audience, and even save money on your ads. Once you have added the Facebook Pixel script to your website, the Pixel will automatically track when someone goes to your website from Facebook, and what they do on your site. For example, if you are running a Facebook Ad, and a customer clicks on the ad, and clicks around your website, you’ll be able to see the pages they visited. It will also work the same for Instagram ads. This can help you improve your customer’s user experience, and help you to drive more conversions. 

Facebook Business Suite

In your Facebook Business Suite account, you will have access to your notifications, inbox, insights, settings, calendar, and a brief description of the ads you’re running. This account is helpful to keep your team organized and on the same page. If you don’t use a CRM to schedule your social media content, you can use the calendar to schedule posts on both Facebook and Instagram. Regularly posting organic content is just as important as advertising. If a customer were to click on your Facebook page, they will want to see more information about your business.

Facebook Ads Manager

As the name implies, your Facebook Ads Manager account is where you will manage all of your advertisements. You can see your account overview, which will provide insight into any trends, increases or decreases in engagement, and other content depending on your campaigns. Now that you are familiar with the platform, let us get to the Facebook and Instagram ad tips!

Types of Campaigns

The type of campaign you use will depend on your business goals, audience, and content. There are four types of campaigns: brand awareness, traffic, lead generation, and conversions. Each type is different, and choosing the best one for your content is very important. 

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness often attracts customers to your website or social media page. Often, brand awareness campaigns do not convert as many customers as the other campaigns. This is because you are trying to get your company’s name out there. For this example, your target audience can be broader than others. It can also include prospects that share similar characteristics but fall outside of your direct target audience. Brand awareness is a great way to get your prospective customers to enter your sales funnel.


This type of campaign allows you to increase the number of visitors to either your website or your Facebook profile. Typically, driving traffic to your website is more useful than to your profile. Traffic campaigns are more specific than brand awareness and tend to drive more conversions. These prospects are aware of your business but need a reminder of why they should stay interested and potentially convert. Remarketing campaigns are a great way to increase traffic to your site.

Lead Generation

If done right, lead generation ads are the most cost-effective ad. They consist of signing up for coupons, discounts, email newsletters, or completing forms, similar to gated content on a website. They are a great way to find out more information about your leads. Then, you have their information so you can reach out. It’s helpful to create an email list to help nurture the leads and guide them down your sales funnel. It’s also a great opportunity for your sales and marketing teams to work together.


Conversion campaigns are the most expensive to run, but rightfully so. These prospects are highly qualified, are familiar with your business, and are in the right demographic and geographic area. When you are running a conversion campaign, your landing page should be highly specific, like a sign-up, free trial, or sale. You can also set up conversions to track landing page views, page views, or you can allow Facebook to find conversion opportunities. 

A/B Testing

From social media to Google, A/B testing is helpful with any form of advertising. It will help your team analyze what type of content your leads respond to the best. Using A/B testing, you can compare ads that have a similar audience and call-to-action, but with different content, images, or by changing the wording. Typically, it’s best practice to run both of your ads under similar circumstances, like time of year, and for the same duration of time. This will ensure your data is not skewed from outside sources like holidays or recessions.


The call-to-action you use can influence your prospect to continue down your sales funnel. The button that you add to your ad should align with your business goals and campaign objectives. There are a ton of options that your team can use to influence your audience to convert. You can use basic buttons like contact us, learn more, or sign up. Those options are always great, and will always serve a purpose. But, depending on your ad message, you can use buttons like send message, get quote, and view event. For a full list of call-to-action buttons, click here

We enable B2B companies to identify the anonymous businesses that visit their website and personalize their experience. Your sales team can now follow up with the visitors that don’t convert, while marketing can personalize your website based on firmographic information to drive up conversion rate. Start your 14-day free trial today!

Identify the Ads Your Competitors are Running

This can be one of the most helpful Facebook and Instagram ads tips. Due to privacy concerns in 2018, Facebook made a change to increase transparency amongst its users, by allowing them to go to a Facebook business page and see what ads that page is currently running. There are two ways to find out what ads your competitors are running, check out this article for more information. This is a great way to find ideas for your own advertisements and find out if your competition is running any promotions or sales.

Keep it Short

Both Instagram and Facebook users have short attention spans. Your ad will only have about 3-10 seconds to influence viewers. So, you will want your ad to be an image or video with eye-catching graphics and only a few words. If you need to add more text, keep it in the description of the ad. In addition, the majority of social media users will not listen to your ad with volume, so if your ad has narration, add subtitles. 

Can I Know Who Clicks on My Ads?

Facebook & Instagram Ad Tips That Will Drive Conversions

Through Facebook and Instagram, there is no way to identify who is clicking on your ads. Lucky for you, you can identify the businesses that click on your Facebook CPC ads in Visitor Queue! With Visitor Queue, you can identify the businesses that are referred by Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and more. We also provide you with their contact information like emails, phone numbers, and social media links, so you can reach out and close a deal. You already know they are interested in your business, now you can contact them!

Wrap Up

With millions of daily active users, advertising on Facebook and Instagram is sure to drive traffic and conversions. Although each type of advertising serves a different purpose, your business does not have to use all of them. If you are not currently advertising on either platform, my best advice is to just start somewhere. Start small, and learn as you go. Facebook and Instagram advertising is affordable, and you can choose the max amount of money you would like to spend, so it’s less stressful than other forms of advertising. I hope you were able to learn a few Facebook & Instagram ad tips!

As always, if you have any questions about how Visitor Queue can help your business, do not hesitate to reach out!

While you're here!

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Written by

Taylor Hamilton

I am the Marketing Coordinator at Visitor Queue, overseeing the implementation of both traditional and digital marketing efforts. I love spending my spare time outside with my dog Peach! I am a firm believer that there are no secrets to success, only preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.