Category: Privacy

IP Address Reversal Lookup

How to Perform a Reverse IP Address Lookup

Marketers are always looking to learn more information about their prospects and website visitors. One way that most overlook is using a reverse address IP lookup. A lot of the time this is because marketing professionals don’t know how easy it is to do. In this article, we’ll discuss what a reverse address IP lookup […]

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IP Address

What Is An IP Address?

I know we have all heard the words “IP Address”. But the real question is, what is an IP address? And what does an IP address actually do? First, the “IP” part of IP address stands for “Internet Protocol”, and the “address” refers to a unique number that gets linked to all online activity you […]

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What is CASL and How to Ensure Your Lead Generation is CASL Compliant

What is CASL and How to Ensure Your Lead Generation is CASL Compliant

In terms of lead generation, compliance with regulatory requirements is not just good practice, it’s a legal requirement. There are different laws and regulations based on where you live that you need to be aware of. If you’re in Canada, you need to be familiar with CASL, or the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. Understanding CASL and […]

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Navigating Legal Considerations: Compliance in Lead Generation

Navigating Legal Considerations: Compliance in Lead Generation

Compliance in lead generation continues to be a hot topic for marketers. We constantly hear about the ethics behind lead generation, and how companies need to operate within the law. With data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA, it’s crucial for businesses to understand laws and regulations surrounding compliance in lead generation. Keep reading to […]

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How to Turn an IP Address into Company Information

How to Turn an IP Address into Company Information

There is nothing more frustrating than logging into Google Analytics, seeing that you have hundreds of website visitors, but no conversions. They are on your website, so they must have an interest in your company, right? Absolutely! Thankfully, there is a way that you can identify those website visitors by turning an IP address into […]

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How to Perform a Reverse DNS Lookup

Google Analytics is a great resource to gain more insight on your website visitors. But, you can only get so far with the data provided in your account. That’s probably why you’re here. With a reverse DNS lookup, you can gain valuable insights about your website visitors, and sometimes even identify valuable prospects. A reverse […]

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Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA): What it is and Why it Matters for Your Business

In recent years, the media has been buzzing about what many call “the trust factor” and what it means in regards to data privacy. Consumers have become increasingly wary of how businesses use, distribute, or sell their information. So many municipalities across the globe have implemented comprehensive legislation to protect consumers’ information from suspect activity. […]

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How To Hide Your IP Address

How To Hide Your IP Address

We are all human beings, with names, personalities, family, and friends, but we are also several rows of numbers. From the time we are born, we are given a number and that continues as you get older with your driver’s license, health card, passport, etc. The same thing happens when you get online. Whether you […]

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How to Ensure Your Lead Generation is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliant

For a few years now, the term GDPR has been intimidating for marketers, bloggers, and business owners across the globe. If you keep up with the times in the world of tech or marketing, then you’ve likely heard the buzz about General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short. Marketers, bloggers, and business owners alike […]

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How to Ensure Your Lead Generation is California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliant

When GDPR – Europe’s digital privacy legislation – hit the news, business owners were sent scrambling trying to ensure that that their websites were compliant in order to avoid major penalties. Short for General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR grants users and consumers new rights when it comes to the collection of their personal information. Businesses that […]

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