Category: Business Strategy

19 ways to grow B2B email marketing lists in 2021

19 Ways to Grow B2B Email Marketing Lists in 2024

Email marketing is undoubtedly one of the most cost-effective lead generation tools for B2B businesses in 2024. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing generates an average ROI of $1 : $45. One of the toughest things marketers struggle with though is generating or growing their B2B email marketing list. Having managed small lists […]

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Best Sales Promotion Strategies with Examples

12 Best Sales Promotion Strategies with Examples

Everyone loves a sale! But, not all sales promotion strategies are the same in the consumer’s eyes. Every type of sales promotion strategy has its pros and cons, and not every type will work for every business. It can be beneficial to try out a few different types of sales promotions strategies, so you can […]

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How to Improve Lead Quality in B2B SaaS with Advanced Segmentation Techniques

How to Improve Lead Quality in B2B SaaS with Segmentation Techniques

Segmentation is one of the most underrated aspects of marketing. By properly segmenting your prospects, you can better understand your audience and cater to their needs. In fact, companies that segment their customers are 130% more likely to know their customer’s motives. In order to fully understand your customers and improve the quality of your […]

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7 Best Landing Page Builders

9 Best Landing Page Builders

Generating traffic and conversions is essential to any digital marketers’ job and are some of the main goals they set out to achieve. They must drive people to their site and make sure they take action on the site while they are there. Not too long ago, before landing page builders, that was very difficult […]

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How to Perform a Competitor Analysis

How to Perform a Competitor Analysis

Everyone has been told this before “stay one step ahead of your competition”. Now, while that is great advice, it’s also terrible advice. That’s about as helpful as saying “be the best out there”. We are all trying to be the best on the market and stay ahead of our competition. But how do you […]

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How to Pick a B2B CRM Software For Your Business

Customer relationship management (CRM) is more than contact between yourself and potential leads. It has become a tool that can be used to nurture leads, contact potential leads, keep all data on clients and leads in one centralized location, help your team work collaboratively, and more. Having this information readily available to your team allows […]

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30 Sales Trends You Need to Know for 2024

Every time we think we have a handle on our sales tactics and we are on top of the world, we discover new sales trends to knock us down a peg. Honestly, that might not be such a bad thing. As industry professionals, we should always be adapting our approach to our customers in order […]

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Short-term vs. Long-term Marketing Tactics

Short-term vs. Long-term Marketing Tactics | Which Should You Implement?

Determining whether to focus on short-term or long-term marketing (also known as transactional vs. relationship marketing) can be tough. However, when you’re building your marketing plan, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of both. Commonly, marketers are drawn to short-term marketing tactics. This is because they produce results quickly, justify spend immediately, and […]

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What is the Average Cost Per Lead for Different Marketing Channels in 2024?

To get the most bang for your buck, you’ll need to know what your average cost per lead is. Knowing what your average cost per lead is can help you know exactly how much you should spend on certain marketing channels, and what might need some improvements. In this article, we go through the top […]

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10 Website Marketing Metrics You Should be Tracking

Before you start any new type of marketing initiatives you should already be thinking about how you can track your success. Going back to Marketing 101 in school, you should be following the rules of SMART for goal setting. You remember; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time. I always hated that last one, not making a […]

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10 Business Intelligence Tools Your Company Should be Using

Staying ahead of your competition requires more than just intuition. In this day in age, it requires data-driven decision-making based on trends in your industry. That’s where business intelligence comes into play. With the help of business intelligence tools, your company can collect, analyze, and visualize data to make better decisions. Before we dive into […]

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Top Tips for B2B Marketing Managers

Top Tips for B2B Marketing Managers

The life of B2B marketing managers is not always glamorous. In fact, it can be quite hectic, stressful, and overwhelming at times. Whether you are a marketing manager in a small company or enterprise side, the industry is constantly changing. This can make it difficult to stay on top of things. This career is competitive […]

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