Category: Business Strategy

How to Use Quora for B2B Lead Generation

How to Use Quora for B2B Lead Generation

With so many people competing for the business of the same pool of clients, you have to get creative when it comes to lead generation. Quora is an out-of-the-box way to connect with potential clients that are both easy and free. With a little strategy and application, you can use Quora for B2B lead generation […]

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8 Ways to Resolve Conflict Between Sales and Marketing Teams

8 Ways to Resolve Conflict Between Your Sales and Marketing Teams

In the perfect world, your sales and marketing teams will work together in harmony. However, this is not always the case. There is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. But, I have seen far too many times that sales and marketing teams will create conflict out of nothing. Often times the teams will play […]

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How to use Google Analytics to Generate Leads for Your B2B Company

The method mentioned below is no longer available due to changes made by Google Analytics. As of February 4th at about 1PM EST, the Service Provider and Network Domain metrics are no longer available to use Google Analytics to generate leads. However, you can still gain access to this data by using Visitor Queue. Update […]

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7 Tips for Organizational Adoption of New Software

Introducing a new software that will be used by multiple members of your organization can be tough, but also necessary for the continued growth of your company. As such, you’re likely going to hit roadblocks along the way. Not to worry though, the following 7 tips are both proactive and reactive tactics to overcome any […]

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How to Identify Your Competitor’s Customers

There are several reasons you may want to identify your competitor’s clients. Some may include reaching out to them yourself, marketing, and other initiatives. Lucky for you, we are going to touch on 6 different ways you may be able to identify who your competitor’s customers are! 1. BuiltWith For the marketers that know about […]

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