Best Sales Books Ever Written

4 years ago 4 minute read
Best Sales Books Ever Written

Have you ever wondered why some of the billionaires and giants of their industries recommend reading so highly? It’s not because they get a commission off the book sales. There are few practices that are proven to improve your life (and topics you are reading about – in this case, sales) than reading. Researchers have found that reading not only educates you. But it can prevent stress, depression, dementia, and enhance your empathy, decision-making, and improve your overall life satisfaction. On top of all that, reading can actually lead to higher income and more meaningful career opportunities. If that doesn’t make you run out to your nearest book store or scroll Amazon for sales books. I’m not sure what will. 

So, we have determined that reading is good for you and that you should do it. But what should you read? Well, I am sure you have read the title of this blog so you know we are going to talk about sales books. It’s why you clicked on this link. To help point you in the right direction (after spinning you around 3 times blindfolded). We have listed some of the best sales books below. These are some of the most recognized sales books based on their success, content, and recommendations by successful entrepreneurs. 

How To Make The Most Out Of These Books

Now, it is great that you go out and buy these sales books and read them. You may learn a thing or two from what jumps out at you, but how do you get the most out of these books? We have all been there when you read the same page over and over but don’t get anything from it. 

When it comes to reading there are important factors to keep in mind and to practice in order to get the most out of the book:

  • Impression
  • Association
  • Repetition

What these factors mean is that you have to have a goal in mind before you start reading so you know what you are looking for. Then, you need to connect what you are reading to thoughts or ideas you already have. Next, you need to engage with the material by writing down a high-level overview of what you read or talk about it with your team. 

Remember what your school teachers told you. You need to engage with your learning material in order for you to remember it. While there are lots of ways that work for people. Some of the easiest ways are to make notes in a book or on the margins, highlight key points. And talk about the content with others. 

Now, let’s get to what you came here for, the sales books. 

*** In no particular order

The Challenger Sale

The Challenger Sale book

This book is based on a study conducted across multiple industries and involving thousands of sales reps. The study found that the best sales reps don’t just build relationships, they challenge them. This is a book that takes everything you believe is fundamentally at the core of sales and pulls the rug from under your feet. This is more than just a theory, where this book separates itself from the others is pinpointing exactly what works. Not only do they tell you what works, but they explain the exact techniques and why they work so well. 

Little Red Book of Selling

Little red book of selling

If you are looking for the ultimate short, blunt, and to-the-point book, this will be the one you should reach for. This book focuses on how a salesperson should prepare, motivate and focus, in order to achieve success in sales. Gitomer gives great advice on how to get out of your own way and allow yourself to become successful in sales. He has proven himself over and over again to be a trustworthy source of sales information with his New York Times bestseller “The Sales Bible” and 14 other books. 

To Sell Is Human

To Sell Is Human

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1:9 Americans work in sales. Author Daniel Pink believes that the other 8 work in sales as well. In one way or another, we are all in sales. To Sell Is Human provides a 21st-century look at the art of sales. As with many other looks into selling, there is a heavy reliance on social science and stories (as we are selling to people). But, this approach and mindset of “everyone is involved in sales” will transform the way you sell, regardless of what or who you are selling to. 

The Go-Giver

The Go-Giver

Whilst this may not be a “sales book” specifically, The Go-Giver looks at how the secret to success in every aspect, including sales, is giving. Burg and Mann, authors of The Go-Giver Leader, believe that you need to shift your focus from selling to giving and finding solutions for others. The rewards from this transition will be successful and stronger relationships than if you were to just try and sell people. This mindset is based on the timeless principle of – give and you shall receive. 

Getting To Yes

Getting To Yes

Based on the research and findings of the Harvard Negotiation Project, Getting To Yes uses this strategy to obtain mutually acceptable – win-win – agreements in negotiations. Since its original release over 40 years ago, more than 1 million people have read and benefited from its strategies. This methodology can be used in both professional and personal settings. This is one of those books that after you read it once you will go back for a second time and a third time, and keep discovering practical techniques you didn’t fully understand the previous times. It is simply one of the best books on negotiations. 

Never Split The Difference

Never Split The Difference

Voss is a former hostage negotiator for the FBI, needless to say, this man knows a thing or two about negotiating. With this field-tested approach to high-stakes negotiations, you can be sure you come to the correct conclusion whether it is at work or at home. This in-depth guide is full of stories that illustrate how empathy-based techniques and approaches work best. Thus, taking your emotional intelligence to the next level. 



This groundbreaking book takes a look at why people say “yes” and how to correctly and ethically use this information to your advantage. Cialdini presents these 6 Principles of Influence which include, reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. Influence is a result of a tireless 35-years of research and a 3-year long study that identifies why people do what they do and what motivates people to change their behaviour. 

Sales Management. Simplified.

Sales Management. Simplified.

Common sense and popular opinion would dictate that a drop in sales is a result of underperforming reps or an ineffective process. Weinberg takes a step back to look at the bigger picture and pulls the curtain aside to shed light on the real issues. More often than not the issues are a result of how the team is being managed and led. Sales Management. Simplified. Outlines exactly how your results can be transformed by implementing a new leadership framework. Including, actionable sales strategies, solutions, and tools, that will take your team to the next level. 

Wrap Up

Needless to say, there is not one book to rule them all, if there was, there wouldn’t be a need for this list of books. Nor, would we want one book to rule them all. Firstly, that would be a massive book. Secondly, who would want to read a book that long in one author’s tone. In this list, we believe we have covered some of the major topics that sales reps and individuals struggle with. By picking up 1 or 2 of these books you should be able to level up your sales and your personal game. As many of these authors talk about, sales are part of your life and it is not just in a professional setting.

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Written by

Nick Hollinger | CEO

I am the CEO and Co-founder of Visitor Queue. Currently working with ~5000 companies across the globe including Microsoft and Jones Lang Lasalle. In my spare time, I am also the Game Day Director for one of Canada's most successful Junior Hockey Teams (the London Knights). Previously, I held Head of Marketing/Sales roles at SMB B2B organizations. A strong believer that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, experience, and opinion on Marketing, Sales, SaaS, and Entrepreneurship.