11 Best B2B Website Personalization Software

3 years ago 6 minute read
best b2b website personalization software

Website personalization is starting to become the industry standard for B2B companies. This is because competition is cutthroat. If your company doesn’t stand out, you’re likely to fall behind. Luckily, there are website personalization software companies that can help you stand out from the competition. Before we jump into the best website personalization software, let’s go over the basics of personalization so you can pick the best software for your company’s needs.

What is Website Personalization?

By definition, website personalization is the process of providing your customers a customized view of your website based on their demographics, geographics, industry, and more. Most website personalization software focus on B2C clients. By showing your website visitors a tailored view of your website, they will be more likely to click on buttons, watch videos, and read about your company. In fact, 80% of consumers are more likely to convert if they are provided with a personalized experience. This is because all of the information that they would normally have to search for would be front and center on your homepage. If you want to learn more about website personalization, take a look at this article

A remark I hear when talking about website personalization is “I don’t know how to code,” or “I’m not very good with technology,”. The best thing about website personalization is that you don’t need to know how to code. You don’t even have extensive tech know-how. All of the companies mentioned on this list are user-friendly. Plus, they have great customer support if you get stuck along the way. Now, we’re going to go over how your business could use personalization to drive revenue and success.

Use Cases for B2B Website Personalization

I want to go through a couple of examples of how certain companies could use personalization on their websites. Note that all of these examples are B2B (business to business) companies. This means that they work with other businesses and do not sell directly to an end consumer. 

Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies that work with B2B companies are one of the best examples to use. Oftentimes marketing agencies will work with a wide variety of companies. So, it can be hard for them to tailor their website for every industry without the help of a website personalization software. If a B2B company, like Hubspot, visits the marketing agency’s website, they expect to find information that will help their business. If Hubspot sees use cases, testimonials, and other information from other CRM companies, they will know that they can trust the marketing agency with their business. 

Health Care

Healthcare companies are competitive. This means if a user doesn’t have a great website experience, their customers will move on quickly. If a healthcare company caters to other businesses, they can use a website personalization software to also provide them with use cases, testimonials, and more based on their industry. However, with some website personalization software, you can target the companies based on their name. So, you can welcome a company to your website using their name, and show them specific products that you know they will need. By doing this, you will make their lives easier, and they are much more likely to work with your company.

B2B Website Personalization Software

Best B2B Website Personalization Software

We have created this list based on reviews, price, usability, and features included. Keep reading for an exciting new product announcement. Now, let’s go over the 11 best B2B website personalization software on the market.

  1. Visitor Queue
  2. Hubspot
  3. Google Optimize
  4. Optimizely
  5. Sailthru
  6. Citrix
  7. Algonomy
  8. Logic Hop
  9. BrightInfo
  10. Salesforce Interaction Studio
  11. Personyze

1. Visitor Queue

Here at Visitor Queue, we realized that there was a gap in the personalization industry. Most of the software mentioned on this list are tailored to enterprise-sized companies and/or require a talented developer to get them up and running. Visitor Queue is perfect for SMB B2B companies looking to give their audience a custom view of their website, without the use of any code. Provide your website visitors a custom view of your site based on their firmographic information, like company size, location, or even their name. Provide them with relevant case studies, quotes, videos, and more based on what they’ll respond to the best. Start your 14-day free trial of Visitor Queue today and take your website experience to the next level.

Personalizing Your Website With Visitor Queue

2. Hubspot

If you currently use Hubspot in your marketing stack, then their website personalization might be the perfect fit. To use their personalization features, you must have a Hubspot Marketing Hub account, which is different from their CRM. Hubspot offers a lot of personalization options including pop-ups, triggering email chains, and optimizing the appearance of your website based on visitor characteristics. Their starter tier begins at $40 USD per month. With the starter tier, some of your personalization options are limited and a lot of companies find themselves upgrading to more expensive plans to use all of the features.

3. Google Optimize

Google Optimize is an all-encompassing software that is built on top of your existing Google Analytics account. Whether your team is looking to build new landing pages, create pop-ups, or messages at the checkout, Google Optimize will have you covered. You can analyze a wide variety of statistics that will allow you to A/B test and see what your customers respond to the best. Like all other Google products, there can be a learning curve but they do offer courses to help you and your team better understand their software. You can start to personalize your website for free, but the majority of its features are available with Google 360. Google 360 is quite expensive, with plans starting at $150,000 USD per year.

4. Optimizely 

Optimizely is another one of the most popular website personalization software providers on the market. They work with over 1,000 companies worldwide including Peloton, Uber, AMEX, and Mazda to help them optimize their website and increase revenue and growth. Optimizely caters to large enterprises with a hefty price tag. Their basic annual plan starts at $36,000 USD per year, and this doesn’t include some of their best features. Although they are expensive, they do provide their customers with a great experience with their easy-to-use platform and customer support.

5. Sailthru

The nice thing about Sailthru is that it can be used by both B2B and B2C companies as it works based on the decisions customers make. They are a “prediction manager” tool that will show pop-ups, banners, and more based on the actions your customers take on your website. For example, if Sailthru thinks a customer is browsing and about to leave, then they can show a “Before You Leave” pop-up with a discount code to entice the customer. You can easily set up these website features without struggling with code. They provide in-depth reports and analytics based on decisions that your customers make, so you can optimize your website even further. Plans start at $29 USD a month.

6. Citrix

Citrix’s software provides technology that empowers organizations to unlock their full potential and provide their clients with a unique experience. They focus on homepage personalization that will entice website visitors to keep learning. They are able to recognize what industry your website visitors work in, and then they will serve them an experience based on their needs as a company. Their clients typically consist of those in healthcare, finance, education, government, and manufacturing industries. Citrix’s homepage personalization can decrease bounce rate by 7%, increase page views by 10%, and increase clicks on custom banners by up to 30%. With this in mind, Citrix can be a great solution for your company. Their basic plans start at $25 USD per month, per user. They are a good option for small to medium-sized businesses.

7. Algonomy

Algonomy is another option that will work for both B2B and B2C companies as they focus their services on algorithms like new vs. returning customers instead of identifying industries. They are one of the leading companies in algorithmic customer engagement AI. This means they are able to provide your website visitors a one-on-one experience based on their previous history, searches, interactions, and more. They provide in-depth analytics on website visitors so you can continue to enhance your website and set up new customizations. 

8. Logic Hop

Logic Hop is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily personalize your WordPress website. When a customer visits your website, Logic Hop will scan their visitor information, and based on the data that it finds, provide them with a customized view of your website. They have been featured in MasterWP, Product Hunt, and Sitepoint for their innovation with WordPress. Reviews state that they are easy to use and affordable, making them perfect for small to medium-sized businesses. Their plans start at $199 USD a year.

We enable B2B companies to identify the anonymous businesses that visit their website and personalize their experience. Your sales team can now follow up with the visitors that don’t convert, while marketing can personalize your website based on firmographic information to drive up conversion rate. Start your 14-day free trial today!

9. BrightInfo

BrightInfo tracks information such as demographics, browsing patterns, and mouse movements (like hovering over certain products) to profile your audience. Once their software identifies what the user might be interested in, they will suggest content that the visitor will be interested in, based on their algorithm, previous customer patterns, as well as any data that you provide. BrightInfo states that companies like Cisco, Hubspot, and Hosting.com have increased their website conversions by up to 320%. They offer unique pricing plans based on what your company needs, but reviewers state that they are an affordable option.

10. Salesforce Interaction Studio

If your company uses Salesforce, their Interaction Studio is a great option for you. They focus on providing a one-of-a-kind website experience and delivering a relevant customer experience with real-time personalization. Salesforce offers a ton of in-depth data about your customers including digital behavior, which includes active and inactive time. This is unique to Salesforce, and you can use it to your advantage by showing relevant pop-ups or notifications to help out the inactive visitor. If you are interested in taking your personalization to the next level, Salesforce offers an e-book with 16 examples of website personalization that you can use to enhance your website. Their plans are based on what other products you also use, but they are generally moderately priced. 

11. Personyze

Personyze is a unique software that offers personalization through every step of your customer journey. This includes landing pages, pop-ups, and email drip campaigns. By providing your customers with an omnichannel experience, your business is sure to expect an increase in revenue. They offer A/B testing for all of their features, so you can find out what drives the highest number of conversions. Reviews state that Personyze has great customer support. Their packages are pay-as-you-go monthly plans, which means you can upgrade or downgrade at any time depending on your needs. Their plans start at $149, which has few features and upcharges for each additional 100k page views.

Wrap Up

Personalization is an amazing feature that every B2B company should at least explore. Every personalization software on this list will be sure to drive success, but it’s important to choose one that aligns with your goals as a business. Most companies won’t fit into Google Optimize’s niche market, and that’s okay. I hope you were able to find a software on this list that your company is interested in working with.

While you're here!

98% of your website visitors leave without converting. Visitor Queue allows you to identify who they were, and personalize their website experience based on their needs. Your sales team can now connect with them to close the deal, while marketing can provide a personalized version of your website based on visitor firmographics to increase conversion rate. All of this starting at $39 USD per month. Start your 14-day free trial now!

Written by

Taylor Hamilton

I am the Marketing Coordinator at Visitor Queue, overseeing the implementation of both traditional and digital marketing efforts. I love spending my spare time outside with my dog Peach! I am a firm believer that there are no secrets to success, only preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.