12 Website Copywriting Tips to Drive Conversions

3 years ago 6 minute read
Website Copywriting

A strong website copywriting strategy is one of the best ways to generate highly qualified leads. If done right, you have the potential to drive thousands of relevant website visitors to your website, who are all looking for the information you have provided. With website copywriting, it’s very easy to get stuck in a content rut. Continuously writing content that is too similar, as well as not refreshing old content, will not yield the results you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking to start or enhance your website copywriting, we have the best tips to ensure your strategy will lead to conversions. Before we jump into the best tips to drive conversions, let’s go over a few copywriting basics.

What is Website Copywriting?

Website copywriting is the process of writing content for your website. It can be in the form of landing pages, blog articles, company news, and anywhere else you would see written content on a webpage. With the help of website copywriting, you are able to drive a lot of positive results. The goal of website copywriting is to drive traffic to your website. Partnering strong content with a relevant call to action will likely result in an increase in conversions. Best of all, website copywriting is a free way to increase your organic website traffic. But, there is a lot that goes into crafting the perfect content for your website. Now that you are familiar with website copywriting basics, let’s go over the 12 best website copywriting tips to help you drive even more conversions.

1. Identify Your Audience

Just like any other form of marketing, you want to understand who will be consuming the content. Often your audience will be similar since you want to focus on your target audience. But, some forms of content will target different audiences. As an example, you could write a blog article about the best beginner tips for salespeople. And, another article about the best CRMs for enterprise-sized companies. The audience can share similarities. But, you may want to change your tone of voice and the call to action that you include.

You also want to consider what stage your visitor is in their buyer’s journey. You want to write content that is a direct representation of what stage in the buyer’s journey the visitor is in. If you write a competitor comparison website page that discusses the differences between you and your competitor, the visitor is aware of what your product does, and wants to learn more about how you are superior. You won’t need to explain every detail of how the product works as they already know how it works. Use this opportunity to show how you outperform your competitors.

2. Choose Your Delivery Method

Like I mentioned before, there are a few different ways that you can deliver your content. How you deliver your content can change what information and call to action you include on that page. Landing page content that is created specifically for Google Ads versus landing pages that can be discovered organically might be pretty different. If your content is not optimized for it’s particular delivery method, it might not drive the results it potentially could. If you’re not sure what kind of content or how much content to include on each page, take a look at large company websites like Hubspot to get an idea. Once you have an idea of how you want to deliver your content, I would also recommend checking on how your competitors are delivering their content.

3. Competitor Research

If you’re not sure where to start or how to enhance your current website copywriting strategies, take a look at what your competitors are doing. You can easily view the topics they write about, strategies they focus on, and see if they have any gaps in their content. If you see that they have written an article that appears on the first page of search results, you can write an article that is longer, more in depth, and more informative than theirs in hopes that your article will appear before theirs. In addition, you can use a tool called SEMrush to identify the keywords that your competitors are using in their content. This is a great way to ensure your website copywriting will rank better than theirs for relevant keywords.

12 Website Copywriting Tips to Drive Conversions

4. Call to Action

Depending on how you are delivering your content, your call to action will have to adapt. If you have a competitor comparison landing page, your call to action might be to start a free trial. But, if you’re writing a blog post, you can include the free trial, but you also will want to include a link to a different webpage where the reader can learn more about your company. This is why it’s so important to understand your audience as well as how you are going to deliver your content. If you see that your content is not yielding the results that you think it should, try to switch up your call to action every once in a while. A/B testing is a great way to see what your website visitors respond best to and ultimately what will drive the most conversions.

5. Keywords

As a marketer, I’m sure you hear about keywords all of the time. But, keywords can truly make or break the success of your website copywriting. If you’re not sure which keywords will drive the best results, you can use Google Keyword Planner to see which keywords are the most searched for. You can include these keywords right in the page content, as well as in ALT image text and metadata to encourage discoverability. Keep in mind that you can easily overdo the number of keywords used. Then, Google will flag your article due to keyword stuffing, and then your article will not rank well. Try not to use more than 1-3 keywords per every 100 words of text on your page.

6. Headings and Subheadings 

Headlines and titles are another important factor to help your website copywriting drive qualified traffic. Your page title will help your page look more enticing, and therefore increase the number of clicks. Before posting your article, you can do a quick Google Search for the title that you want to use, and see if there are any other pages out there using the same or similar title. In your H1, H2, and H3 titles, include your keywords to even further optimize your article for SEO requirements. Although headlines may seem like a small detail, properly formatted headlines will make a big difference for both the number of visitors you receive as well as improving user experience. Try to break your paragraphs up into smaller sections by using different headings and subheadings. This tactic will help you simplify your content and make it more enjoyable to consume.

7. Simplify Your Content

Using short sentences, short paragraphs, breaking up content with bullet points and images, are all great ways that you can simplify your content. It’s a lot more attractive to readers to read a nicely displayed article rather than an article that looks like someone’s college essay. If you’re not sure how you can optimize your content, take a look at a site like Salesforce. Salesforce has a ton of attractive images, bullet points, charts, and other features to make their content more digestible for their audience. This is important to keep in mind for all of your website pages, including landing pages and blog articles.

8. Quality Over Quantity

The amount of content that you need per page will vary depending on what the page is. A Contact Us page will only be a few words, while a blog post can be upwards of 2,000 words. But, regardless of the type of content you’re writing, it’s best to keep your content of high quality. Typically articles that drive the best results are over 2,000 words, but if you can only write 1,500 words about a topic, that’s okay. Don’t try to fill it with extra words or information that isn’t relevant to the topic just to meet a specific word count. It’s best to keep your content clear and concise, as this will make the reader’s experience much more enjoyable. And, if a reader has a positive experience they’re more likely to return to your site at a future date. 

12 Website Copywriting Tips to Drive Conversions

9. Use an Active Voice

Using an active voice instead of a passive voice will help your readers visualize your article in the present time. Although you know that you’re writing about present tactics, readers might not understand that if you’ve written in past tense. There can be a time and place to use past tense, like telling a story. But overall, your content should be written in present tense. This may seem like a small tactic, but it can greatly improve the visitor experience and how far they get through the article. If Google sees that your visitors are spending more time on your page and not bouncing, Google will favour your page over others. 

10. Refresh Old Content

If you have a website or blog and you’ve noticed a drop in traffic to pages that used to perform well, then a simple content refresh might help. When someone is searching online for a solution to their problem, they’re more likely to read an article that was written one month ago than an article written in 2017. Regardless of whether the older article is better. To resolve this, ensure all of your links are relevant, update images, add in an extra paragraph or two, and other updates that will make your older articles more relevant for today’s searchers. Once you have updated your older content, just remember to update the publish date.

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11. Double Check Your Grammar

There is nothing worse than reading a fantastic article, but it’s riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. It makes the website and writer look unprofessional and not qualified to be discussing the topic. Even if that’s not the case, it will turn a lot of readers away. Luckily, there are a few ways you can prevent this from happening to your content. Grammarly is one of the best spell checking software out there, because it does more than just check your spelling. It can also suggest grammatical errors, how to condense sentences so they sound smoother, and how you can improve your writing based on the tone of voice you want it to convey. Plus, Grammarly offers free plans. In addition, have someone else proofread your article. A spell checking software can only do so much, and it’s hard to catch your own mistakes. So, another reader can help catch any final mistakes that you missed.

12. Identify Your Website Visitors

Now that you know how to increase your website traffic with website copywriting, you might want to start identifying your website visitors and drive even more conversions. With Visitor Queue, you can identify the companies that visit your website. Along with their visit information including how they were acquired, pages viewed, and time spent on each page. Plus, we can also identify their employees and provide contact information including email addresses, phone numbers, and LinkedIn channels. A B2B marketer’s dream! Start your free trial today and stop losing highly qualified leads.

Last Words

Website copywriting is one of the best ways to increase your website traffic and drive conversions. Only 2% of website traffic will reach out to you. So, you can pair your copywriting strategy with a lead generation software like Visitor Queue. Turn your website visitors into conversions. If you have any questions about how Visitor Queue can help you generate more leads and revenue, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Written by

Taylor Hamilton

I am the Marketing Coordinator at Visitor Queue, overseeing the implementation of both traditional and digital marketing efforts. I love spending my spare time outside with my dog Peach! I am a firm believer that there are no secrets to success, only preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.