10 Future-Forward B2B Lead Generation Tactics to use in 2024

2 years ago 5 minute read
10 Future-Forward B2B Lead Generation Tactics 2021

It’s never too early to get the jump on next year’s lead generation strategies. With 2024 right around the corner, B2B businesses would do well to have a future-forward lead generation plan in place.

Why not build off of last year’s lead generation tactics to scale up your efforts in 2024? In this guide, we’re covering 20 effective B2B lead generation strategies to broaden your reach, generate high-quality leads, and land more wins in your business.  

What Does B2B Lead Generation Look Like in 2024?

While it’s impossible to predict what new technologies will arise in 2024, we can still examine marketing trends to forecast what lead generation tactics we might expect to see in the coming year. While many of the traditional lead generation strategies still hold up, others present even more potential after the new year.

In 2024, B2B companies can expect to see more in terms of website optimization. Including chatbots and AI, content marketing, paid advertising, omnichannel marketing, and the use of unique lead generation tools

Below, we will dive into each of these in more detail, plus provide some additional strategies to help your business generate more leads in the coming year. 

1. Website Optimization and SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been and continues to be one of the best lead generation channels for B2B businesses. Due to its ability to attract an organic, ready-to-buy audience. Hard to find a better quality lead than one that’s actively searching for brands, products, and services like yours.

In 2024, expect to invest more in your website optimization to increase your business’s rankings in search engines (namely, Google and Bing). Rise above your online competitors, drive organic traffic, and boost conversions on your website. This will involve identifying the best target keywords for your site, optimizing your website content, generating high-authority backlinks, and optimizing your business’s online listings.

If you want to learn more about SEO, take a look at this article.

2. Chatbots and AI

Forbes predicts that “brands that master two-way conversational marketing and commerce will also deploy chatbots and AI” in 2024. AI (artificial intelligence) is a powerful tool when it comes to facilitating realistic conversations with prospects, broadening your marketing reach, and generating new leads. 

AI empowers marketers to create a customer experience that is “predictive, optimized, and personalized”. This means a more custom-tailored experience for customers and a streamlined lead generation process for your brand. The question is: Are you effectively harnessing the power of AI for your business? 

3. Content Marketing

You might have heard the phrase “Content is king” and this continues to be true year after year. Customers rely on brands to provide interesting, engaging information in the form of content. This makes content marketing one of the most effective tools for lead generation.

Content marketing encompasses everything from blog article creation to ebooks to videos. In any case, your job as a marketer is to create content that’s of interest to your audience, market this content across platforms, and include compelling calls-to-action to encourage fans to convert into paying customers/clients.

4. Paid Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Instagram Ads work to help B2B companies reach a highly targeted audience with click-worthy campaigns. While you have to pay to play, you often get better, faster results compared to organic methods. In fact, 50% of people arriving at a business’s website from a paid ad are more likely to buy than those who came from an organic link.

If you are relying on organic marketing tactics like SEO and social media but are struggling to see the results that you want, it may be time to invest in PPC. You will be able to set your targeting parameters, write compelling ad copy, direct users to a set landing page, and generate more leads for your business. 

5. Omnichannel Marketing

As the name implies, omnichannel marketing involves marketing your business across a variety of platforms so you’re able to engage users at multiple touchpoints. Rather than focusing your energy on a primary channel, this strategy involves drumming up exposure for your brand and staying top-of-mind with your audience.

For example, an omnichannel strategy might involve publishing an engaging blog article, sharing that article on social media, distributing that article to your email list, running a paid ad campaign to said article, and directing visitors to your article via a YouTube video. With this strategy, you can reach more users and keep your brand hyper-visible online.

6. Lead Generation Software

There is a mass market of lead generation tools out there, and more B2B companies are turning to these tools to streamline their lead generation efforts. Lead generation software can save your marketing team time, keep your marketing efforts organized, track progress, and much more.

Tools like Visitor Queue provide you with hands-off lead generation capabilities by capturing website visitors’ information, compiling this information into a centralized database, and automating lead follow-up. This means you can generate dozens or even hundreds of leads, passively, with little effort. 

We enable B2B companies to identify the anonymous businesses that visit their website and personalize their experience. Your sales team can now follow up with the visitors that don’t convert, while marketing can personalize your website based on firmographic information to drive up conversion rate. Start your 14-day free trial today!

7. Email List Generation

The manual methods for growing your email list take time. Hours that your team is better off dedicating to closing deals and providing service to existing customers. B2B email list providers can do the heavy lifting of email list growth for you by finding users who fit your target audience.

Not all email list providers are created equal, so we recommend checking out our linked guide above for a list of reputable providers. Then, you can simply subscribe to the service you want. Then generate a list of targeted email addresses, and follow up with users to generate more leads for your business.

10 Future-Forward B2B Lead Generation Tactics 2021

8. Mobile Optimization

Starting in 2019, Google announced the use of mobile-first indexing to provide better search results to users. While many businesses were slow to adopt these changes, businesses in 2024 should expect to make mobile optimization a priority.

Why is mobile optimization important? More users than ever are accessing the internet from their mobile devices. This means that your branded apps and website should be mobile-friendly to provide the best experience for users. Make sure you have adopted a mobile-optimized web design. By use of optimized images, include mobile-friendly content, and make the mobile experience as fast and frictionless as possible. 

9. Guest Blog Posting

Posting articles on your website’s blog is a good way to generate organic traffic and leads. But how proactive are you about submitting guest posts on third-party sites? Doing so can make a huge difference when it comes to your website’s SEO (in terms of link building) and traffic (more exposure).

Finding guest posting opportunities is relatively easy. Simply reach out to websites in your industry and ask if they accept guest articles. You should reach out to sites that are already generating a lot of traffic or at least have a large social media following. That way, your guest articles can reach an even wider audience and drive more traffic (and leads) to your site. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, take a look at this guide to help you get started,

10. Lead Generation Pages and Funnels

Sales funnel builders like ClickFunnels and the like often get a bad name (for their cult-like culture and spammy sales tactics). But the concept of lead generation pages is a powerful one. Essentially, these are pages dedicated to driving your lead generation efforts and converting new visitors into high-quality prospects.

First, you need to decide what traffic channels (paid, organic, direct, etc.) you are going to use to drive users to your site. Then, you can use lead page builders to create a high-converting landing page. You might also hire an expert copywriter to hone your message and lift conversions even more.

Many B2B businesses have dedicated landing pages for each type of service they offer. With these, they can create highly targeted campaigns. To each page, organize their leads, and direct their sales agents to follow up with the best offer. Plus, if your sales agents are equipped to handle the most common sales objections, you’re likely to see your sales skyrocket.

10 Future-Forward B2B Lead Generation Tactics 2021

Best Lead Generation Tactics for B2B Businesses

Above we listed the top lead generation strategies for 2024, but the tactics don’t stop there. In fact, there are many methods you can employ to generate more leads in 2024, increase your sales, and scale your business.

Some of the best lead generation tactics include:

  • Social media marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Referrals and networking
  • Lead generation tools
  • Outreach
  • SMS (text message) marketing

Use any combination of these to reach a wider audience and maximize your lead generation efforts. As usual, the best approach is to test strategies, see what works best for your company, and optimize your campaigns for the best results.
Get started with the fast, effective lead generation with the help of Visitor Queue. The industry’s favorite website lead generation tool for B2B companies.

While you're here!

98% of your website visitors leave without converting. Visitor Queue allows you to identify who they were, and personalize their website experience based on their needs. Your sales team can now connect with them to close the deal, while marketing can provide a personalized version of your website based on visitor firmographics to increase conversion rate. All of this starting at $39 USD per month. Start your 14-day free trial now!

Written by

Nick Hollinger | CEO

I am the CEO and Co-founder of Visitor Queue. Currently working with ~5000 companies across the globe including Microsoft and Jones Lang Lasalle. In my spare time, I am also the Game Day Director for one of Canada's most successful Junior Hockey Teams (the London Knights). Previously, I held Head of Marketing/Sales roles at SMB B2B organizations. A strong believer that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, experience, and opinion on Marketing, Sales, SaaS, and Entrepreneurship.