The Ins and Outs of Video Marketing

Businesses are always trying to improve their email marketing efforts as it can be one of their most useful tools to generate leads. Email marketing remains to have a high ROI (return on investment) of $42 to every $1 spent. In order for you and your team to see the benefits of email marketing, first, […]

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email marketing software

5 Best Email Marketing Software

Businesses are always trying to improve their email marketing efforts as it can be one of their most useful tools to generate leads. Email marketing remains to have a high ROI (return on investment) of $42 to every $1 spent. In order for you and your team to see the benefits of email marketing, first, […]

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Hubspot vs. Pipedrive

Pipedrive vs Hubspot: Which Should Your Business Choose?

As I am sure you are aware, it can be difficult to choose the best CRM for you and your team. The long journey from prospect to a successfully converted customer is not easy. This is why choosing the right software is so essential. Tools can drastically improve your team’s workflow and can make the […]

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6 B2B Social Selling Strategies and Tips

6 B2B Social Selling Strategies and Tips

The first thing that may come to mind when you think of social selling is that salesperson that fires you a message on LinkedIn immediately after connecting with them. Then messages you multiple times in the following days. Because of approaches like this, social selling gets a bad wrap. These types of salespeople are like […]

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How to Get More B2B Leads in 2021

How to Get More B2B Leads in 2024

B2B sales leads are the lifeblood of every successful B2B organization. Without qualified leads to fill the pipeline, sales reps would have limited opportunities to convert new customers – which is the source of new revenue for any company. But leads don’t just fall from the sky (we wish!). Lead generation requires a well-thought-out strategy, […]

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Trade show marketing

Trade Show Marketing: A Complete How-To Guide

Trade show marketing is one of the best ways to generate highly qualified leads, while improving your relationship with current clients. You can talk to thousands of prospective customers in just one day. Your sales team will have the chance to talk to prospects that have similar pain points, and demonstrate how your product can […]

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7 Effective Sales Objections Handling Tactics for 2024

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could close every deal, win over every customer all without having to deal with any sales objections? In a perfect world, prospects would all be itching to buy your offer, pocketbook in hand. Encountering sales objections is part of the game, so it’s best to brush up on your skills […]

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12 Best Marketing Interview Questions to Ask Marketers

15 Best Marketing Interview Questions to Ask Marketers

Building a strong marketing team isn’t easy, but it is crucial to grow your business and expand your reach. There are countless companies that are competing for top talent. And it is not just top talent you are looking for, you also need someone that fits your values, strategies, and has qualities you are in […]

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15 Best Marketing Podcasts

In order to continue to thrive in the business world, we all know that you need to continue learning. This means that the stack of books beside your bed grows taller. The number of articles you read each day goes up. Online training courses get longer. And your podcast list grows. As many of us […]

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9 Tips for Account Based Marketing in 2021

9 Tips for Account Based Marketing in 2024

Marketing is constantly evolving. Now more than ever we need to be able to adapt to and speed up our sales cycle. Taking a one-to-many marketing approach has its perks, but it also comes at the cost of being time-consuming and, ultimately, less effective than account based marketing.  Could account based marketing be the solution […]

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8 Best Digital Marketing Courses for you to Take Online

In today’s marketing landscape, it is important to stay up to date on all new emerging trends. One of the best ways to do this is by taking online digital marketing courses. This, unfortunately, is a full-time job in itself on top of the marketing work you do on a daily basis. Luckily there are […]

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Content Marketing for Sales: How it Can Benefit Your B2B Sales Team

Over 90% of B2B enterprise marketers use content marketing. The value of content marketing is easy to see. But, not every company utilizes their content marketing for their B2B sales team. Where most of us overlook the usefulness is the strategic application, it can serve the sales team. Creating and leveraging content can qualify leads […]

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10 Sales Prospecting Tools To Find More Customers

With how fast today’s companies are growing and the rate they are adopting new technology. If you are not using leading-edge sales prospecting tools. You will surely be left behind doing grunt work to find your prospects. You and your sales team may be feeling like you are not seeing the return on your effort […]

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