Category: Sales

Lead Generation and Marketing

10 Genius B2B Lead Generation and Marketing Channels to Focus on in 2024

As a B2B company, you’re constantly looking for new ways to enhance your marketing efforts and generate more leads. We all know that it’s much easier said than done. Luckily, B2B companies have access to years of sales data to help you optimize your future marketing efforts. This is because of sales reps, higher marketing […]

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How to Onboard New Clients

How to Onboard New Clients

Onboarding new clients is an exciting part of business-to-business companies. Your team has put so much work into leading your client through your sales funnel. You have a new company that is putting its trust in you. They expect you to be able to deliver them a seamless onboarding experience, and rightfully so. However, perfecting […]

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Waterfall Charts

Waterfall Charts: How to Use Them for Sales and Marketing

As a marketing or sales professional, you’re always looking for new ways to track and analyze your data. While tracking your analytics in a sheet can be helpful, it’s not always easy to interpret data like that. Waterfall charts can help you and your team track and analyze data easily, and set goals based on […]

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B2B Intent Data Providers

7 Best B2B Intent Data Providers

We all know how difficult and strenuous it can be to guide customers through your sales funnel. It can feel never-ending to find qualified leads. Once you find these leads, a portion of them always drops out of the funnel along the way. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see what they were thinking? This is […]

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What Are the Different Types of Sales Leads? With Example

What Are the Different Types of Sales Leads? With Examples

In the world of sales, leads are everything. They represent opportunities that can lead to conversions and revenue for your company. But, with so many different types of sales leads, it can be confusing to tailor your efforts to each of them. In this guide, we are going to go through six different types of […]

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Software Demos

10 Tips for Software Demos

Providing your clients with a demo is an essential part of being a software company. But, we all know that creating and delivering the perfect software demo is difficult. There is a lot of preparation, testing, optimizing, and practice that go into software demos. If you deliver a poor demo, there’s a good chance that […]

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Best Sales Promotion Strategies with Examples

12 Best Sales Promotion Strategies with Examples

Everyone loves a sale! But, not all sales promotion strategies are the same in the consumer’s eyes. Every type of sales promotion strategy has its pros and cons, and not every type will work for every business. It can be beneficial to try out a few different types of sales promotions strategies, so you can […]

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Social Selling

8 Beginner Tips for Social Selling in 2024

Often social selling can get misconstrued as social media advertising. However, social selling is much more than advertising. Social selling is a long-term marketing and sales strategy. It aims to improve your relationship and reputation with both current and prospective customers. By including social selling in your revenue generation plan, you can attract new customers, […]

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30 Sales Trends You Need to Know for 2024

Every time we think we have a handle on our sales tactics and we are on top of the world, we discover new sales trends to knock us down a peg. Honestly, that might not be such a bad thing. As industry professionals, we should always be adapting our approach to our customers in order […]

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Ideal customer profile

What is Ideal Customer Profile Sales? With Examples

Understanding what ICP sales is and how to integrate this concept into your everyday sales initiatives can help you generate more qualified leads, conversions, and happier customers. If you are not focusing on ICP sales, it can be easy to sell to the wrong people and fall behind your competitors. With the market so hot, […]

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Increasing B2B Sales Through Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

Increasing B2B Sales Through Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

No matter the industry you are in, or where you are located in the world, as marketers we are always looking for new ways to increase sales. But, with the market constantly changing, it’s difficult to figure out where to invest your time and money in order to increase B2B sales. That’s exactly why we […]

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Turning Cold Leads into Hot Prospects

Turning Cold Leads into Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide

The ability to nurture cold leads into sales is crucial for companies of all sizes. Cold leads, often comprising potential customers who have expressed interest but haven’t yet engaged with your company, represent a significant opportunity for revenue generation. And, with markets being so unpredictable, it’s essential to convert as many of these cold leads […]

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